Dasehari 15 JUN- 10 JUL
Langra 22 JUN- 05 JUL
Sindhri 25 JUN- 05 JUL
Anwar Ratool 10 JUL-20 JUL
Chaunsa (Samar Bahisht) 05 JUL-10 AUG
Fajri 10 JUL-20 JUL
Chaunsa (Black) 10 AUG-30 AUG
Ratool #12 (Late) 10 AUG-20 AUG
Chaunsa (White) 25 AUG-30 SEP
We have a dual facilty for proccessing Mangoes with us at Lutfabad Mango Farms and Sarbuland fruit Farms at village Lutfabad Multan, It includes sorting lane, hotwater traetment plant, funjicide applicater, dryer and grading by weight mechines to proccess Mangoes, additionally by the presence of on farm blast chiller and cold storage we can meet the requirements of Cool Chain from the production area on ward.
Services available are: